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Starring: Titi Sjuman, Henidar Amroe, Ray Sahetapy, Bucek, Jajang C. Noer, Agust Melasz, Arswendo Atmowiloto, Indra Herlambang, Joko Anwar, Ayu Dewi, Fairuz Faisal, Mario Lawalatta, nadya Rompies, Banyu Bening
The past is a dark specter that dictate our future direction. This is evident in the visible Adjeng (Titi Sjuman), a young author who is still imprisoned by the shadow past. This prison Adjeng characters that make up the fork. On the one hand, he took very aggressive when you're with friends and her soulmate, but on the other hand, he looks so passive in front of his mother.
The desire to be separated from all the pressure is what encouraged Adjeng to expression to a paper. However, feeling a reluctance to provide capital to the dilemma Adjeng. Can Adjeng out under pressure from the mother to make peace with the past?
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